Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 3

This week I was able to cross 2 things off my list. I made another type of baby food - Asparagus! Fiona didn't mind it when I mixed it with Rice cereal - otherwise she did not like the consistency at all. So i have made 2 different types of baby food. WOO! I really like doing it! I hope to get a magic bullet for Christmas so I can do more of it, it is really such a pain to pull out the big food processor to do such a little amount! The other thing I was able to cross off this week was to get my charm bracelet up to date. I spent way too much - but it is finally up to date.
Here are the charms I got!

For our trip to Germany

For our trip to France

For our trip to Ireland

For our Trip to St. Thomas (my brother's wedding)

For our recent trip to NYC

Engraved with Fiona's Initials & birthdate:

66 for the # of days Fiona was in the NICU

My In-Laws will be here this week - so hopefully I will be able to keep on track with my monthly goals and work on some of my National Landmark goals as well.

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